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April 30, 2005

Dammit, now we have to find more

Things You Wouldn't Think of Putting in a Cocktail: "LIMA, Peru (Reuters) - Peruvian officials saved some 4,000 endangered frogs from being whizzed into popular drinks after they were found hidden in an abattoir.

'We were checking the fridges when out jumped a frog. It had escaped, they were in big crates,' a spokesman for Lima city hall said on Thursday.

Frog cocktails are popular in the Andes because of their supposed aphrodisiac qualities. Shops in central Lima selling the drinks have tanks where customers can choose their frogs.

He said the Telmatobius frogs -- which had apparently been brought from the southern lakes in the high Andes -- were found on Wednesday stored in the abattoir.

They were taken to a colonial fountain in central Lima to splash around before being returned to their native lakes by ecological police.

'There were about 5,000 of them but 1,000 died because of the conditions and in transit,' the spokesman said."

Just remember: if you drink a blended frog first thing in the morning, nothing worse will happen to either of you for the rest of the day.

Posted by Gordon Munden at April 30, 2005 01:52 AM

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so IS there anyone else commenting on ANYTHING here or is it turning out to be a bust?

Posted by: Ragan at June 22, 2005 12:49 AM

Well, it's partially the fault of me in particualr and Team GJ in general, with everybody rushing to get GrimJack: Killer Instinct completed. Gordon's been busy too, and Bob just learned how to get email. (It's only AOL Flashsessions, so we aren't that impressed, but we give him points for trying.)

We'll try to do better. But watch this space anyway, there should be some interesting announcements coming soon... mwah-hah-hah.

Posted by: Glenn Hauman at June 22, 2005 01:33 AM

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