September 14, 2005
Timothy Truman at Baltimore Comic-Con
Tim writes: "The show is this weekend, Sept. 17-18. I will be there on Saturday the 17th (not sure about Sunday). Steve Becker-- the talented artist who worked with me on inks for 'GrimJack: Killer Instinct'-- will be with me. We will have a table in the main hall. I'll be bringing a lot of original artwork from GrimJack, plus advance preview material for my Conan project that I'm doing with my Jonah Hex cohort, Joe R. Lansdale. Steve will be bringing a portfolio full of fantastic stuff-- wait 'til you see his work.
"I must say in all honesty that of all the conventions I've attended in the past year, last year's Baltimore Con was my favorite! Great people, great vibe, and a beautiful, easy-to-find location.
Posted at September 14, 2005 04:03 AM
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